Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Hi Everybody. This is Mike. Just got home from Chicago after my visit with dad. He had another good day. He was off the vent from the time I got there at 10am until I left him at 7pm. So he seems to be making a lot of progress in his quest to get the trach out. The speaking valve was in all day and it's amazing how much stronger and clearer his voice has become in just a few short days. I could understand him so much better as compared to Friday. I was so impressed!

Here's another thing I can say about my dad: he still knows his sports. We watched basketball for a good portion of the day and he was very in tune to what was going on in the game. He was even able to make a couple wise cracks about the referees when they made some questionable calls. At one point, he asked me about the Cardinals pitching staff. I was very relieved to hear this question. I was afraid he might come out of this a cub fan. Falling on your head can do strange things to people. The fact he is still a Cardinal fan tells me there was in fact no permanent damage done to his head!

My only disappointment of the day was that there is no physical or speech therapy today. I was hoping to see the progress he has made since last Tuesday. Although, I did have him working on his grip strength and some simple leg exercises the therapist had him do last time I was there. You can tell he still likes to exercise. He definitely puts all he's got into those exercise.

That is all for tonight folks. I imagine you will be hearing from Aunt Judi the next couple of nights. Thanks to everyone for all the love, prayers and support you have shown my dad and us. We really appreciate it and I know he does also. Have a great night!


  1. Nice job Doogie! I am so glad dad is doing well. He is such a tough cookie! I can't believe he is still a Cardinal fan! I did make a deal with him the other night. I told him that if he worked really hard and was up and going by the time our family goes to the Cub, Cardinal game in Sept. I would wear a cardinal t-shirt half of the game and my Cubs shirt the other half! I know, I know Cub fans it seems a little extreme but at this point I would do anything for this man! I did tell him I might be divorced by the end of the weekend but I think J will let this ONE time slide! I can't wait to see him Wednesday! Love you Dad, Amy

  2. It amazes me how each blog gets better than the one before! And what amazes me more is that everyone is getting their sense of humor back!!!Laughter is the best medicine! (After a large dose of prayers and healing that is!)
    Good job everyone! Especially Dick who is the "star" of this blog! Love you all bunches!!
    On my knees, Kim XXOO

  3. Mike: Glad to hear of your Dad's progress, that is wonderful. I will get up to see him after we get back to Morton (we get home this Wed.) Also glad to hear we still have a Cardinal fan,, I too was a bit concerned. I did notice your not too subtle down play of the cubs when you did not capitalize the word cub but did capitalize Cardinals....good going Mike.
    God Bless you all!
    Wayne Tessier

  4. Mike & Amy.....also very happy your father is feeling mucho better! I noticed HWT's comment relative to a visit. Is it OK for non-family to visit your Dad? If so, are there any stipulations such as prior notice, clearance from family, appointment, etc.?

  5. Regaurding visists: You don't need to do anything prior to the visit. The hours are 10a.m.-8p.m. You just need to make sure you tell the nurses when you are leaving for the day. If you want to let Mike or I know then we can let dad know who is coming and when! Thanks Amy

  6. God is Good!
    It is so great to hear that, not only is Uncle Dick gaining physical health, but he is keeping his mental health in check while being exposed to that Cubs environment! :) Still love all you Hasty Cubs fans. You can't help it! :) Kirk and I hoping to get up to see Uncle Dick soon! Mike and Amy, we will let you know before we go up to see Uncle Dick.
    Love you all,
    Melanie (Kirk, Zachariah & Kristen too!)
