Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another eventful day!

Hi everyone! You are all stuck with Amy tonight. I really stink at this so please bear with me. Okay here goes, so this morning my wonderful mother-in-law took me to Chicago to see Dad. She dropped me off and went looking for hotels at reasonable rates! She is the best! Anyway, while she did that I sat with Dad. He greeted me with a smile and a kiss and then he immediately began physical therapy. He did a set of leg bends and leg lifts. Then they sat him up on the bed for about 15 minutes or so, which he did really well. His eyes were open the whole time. The therapist asked him if he wanted to stand and he said yes right away. She said he stood very well and was pretty impressed with his strength. That really wore him out so he took a five minute nap and the Occupational Therapist came in and tried to do several things. He did mostly everything she asked but he was pretty wore out! She said she would try to give him more of a break in between sessions next time!

He decided to take a nap for a while and so I decided to read my book. While I was reading my book I felt something hit me. When I looked up it was his washcloth I had on his head. I looked over at him and was looking at me with the most rotten looking smile on his face! I said I take it you want this wet again and he lifted his hands like " get off your butt and do your job!" He definitely hasn't lost his playful side!

Next the Speech Therapist came in and asked him lots of questions. Like who is the president, what happened to you, where are you, etc. He passed with flying colors. Although he answered most of them correctly it is very hard to communicate with out being able to talk. Hopefully tomorrow they will place the valve over the traech and he can start trying to talk a little! I cant wait! My heart was pounding today when she was quizzing him. Inside I was screaming you can do it! Every time he answered a question right I felt so proud!! Tomorrow is a new day and I cant wait to see what it brings! Love you all! Keep praying! Even though Dad is doing great he still has a long and tough road ahead of him!


  1. Good job Amy! So good I think you should be the all-time blogger! HA Glad dad had another good day. I'm not surprised he's really taking to his therapy as much as he likes to exercise. I can't wait to get up there this weekend and see how he's doing. Tell him I love him. Mike

  2. I wasn't able to check on the updates for a couple of days, but what progress. I'm just so releived to hear all the great news. Smooth sailing from now on!!! Keep up the hard work.

  3. Good job with the blog Amy. You and Mike both do a good job. So good to hear Dick is getting
    some spunk back. Give him my love and also to
    yourself & Mike. And thanks for keeping the
    blog going. That helps those of us back home so much to keep up with things.

  4. Great blog Amy!
    I think your Dad needs a cold Cub washcloth for his head. You might be able to find him one in the hospital gift shop. The girls and I think about and pray for him every day! Look forward to your next blog.

    Love, Rich and his girls

  5. Great news how exciting this day sounds. We are so thrilled to hear how his progress is going. This sounds like the best so far. Thanks for the great blogging. Dick we know your going to be back to your ole' self in no time when we hear that your sense of humor is already returning. Keep it up!!!
    Love, Jani & Aunt Dot

  6. Last nights blog will keep me laughing all day! I can just imagine the look on his face when he tossed that rag at you Amy! He is so onry! I miss that terribly and cant wait to see him tomorrow. Excited and anxious....Sara

    Oh yeah, Love to all :)

  7. Amy great blog. LOL at the wash cloth toss. Good to see he is coming along with his sense of humor as well as his therapy, they go hand in hand. (Rich - we don't want to set Uncle Dick's progress back with a Cub's towel- you know he would only want a Cardinal towel!) Go Uncle Dick! We love you all. See you soon. Aunt Judi

  8. Amy~ Quit saying you don't do a good job with the blogging. Yours are great, and certainly heartfelt!! I love the rag thing. I'll bet that really made your day. Tell your dad I said hello and the Robinson's (fellow Cardinal fans!) are pulling for him!!
    Love ya,

  9. I have known all along that if anyone can come through this Dick can. In addition to his stubbornness he has the love and support of some of the greatest people on earth. Take all that and add a God as great as there is and the combination is unbeatable. God Bless you all for what you are doing and God Bless Dick for being such a great guy.
    Thanks to you all for your blogging, you all do a super job and it is much appreciated by those of us unable to be there. Love to you all.

  10. Hey Sparky,
    you still have the Dicky in ya, keep the kids going this is what we call quality time in our hective lifes and it takes love of one another to keep it together... Just in time for mowing season in St Louie...ha ha
    A W E S O M E !!!!!! keep up the good work!!!!!


  11. Good job on the blog, Amy. It made me LOL! Also good job on the cheerleading for your Dad! I really look forward to reading this everyday and your writing skills have NOT let me down! Tell my big bro I love him and give him a kiss for me! Love you all! Aunt Kim XXOO
