Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keep the Food Coming!

Good Evening everyone! Your stuck with me Amy again! Today was yet another good day. Dad had a breakfast tray this morning, which consisted of eggs, cream of wheat, and two types of juice! He was thrilled with the juice. Bless his heart, he is just so thirsty. We brought him up a Squirt today and put it on the window, he told me to hide it so he didn't have to look at it. It just made him more thirsty to see it. When Kristin came in she told me that he would be getting lunch tomorrow and he could have his soda then! He was thrilled! After lunch tomorrow he will be starting on three meals a day. This is great news! They will still have the feeding tube hooked up at night from 8 p.m.-8 a.m. I think only for a short time though.

Dad was very nervous today. He is just so aware of everything now, that he gets himself all worked up. He is so sweet and just keeps apologizing for everything and thanking all of us for being there with him. I told him today that he might not remember the worst of this but we do and it may not seem to him like he is making progress but he is. I told him that he has already overcome the most difficult challenge and that is making it through the first couple of weeks. He said" I know honey I just hate sitting here like this and being helpless." I assured him that it wasn't forever and that is why we are here so we can help him! This seemed to satisfy him for a while. He definitely likes having family around him to reassure him and take care of him so he doesn't have to ask the nurses for much. He much prefers bossing us around!

The best part of today was he was down sized again to a size 4 trach, which is the smallest he can get. They capped it off and he was just on regular oxygen today. He did great with this. He is put back on the vent at night but they are slowly weining him off of this as well. He needs to be on regular oxygen for 48 hours and when he completes this they will take the trach out!!!!!!!!! I can't wait and neither can he!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is doing awesome and I want to thank everyone again, and again for all of the support and prayers! Love to all, Amy


  1. Another blog with great news! I was thrilled to hear that he fired back at me with that "still have a brain" comment when I told you to use a Cub wash cloth for his head. Glad to hear he hasn't changed a bit. I wasn't sure about you wearing a Cardinal shirt for half of the game in September but then I thought I might even put on red for an inning, half inning, out, or maybe one pitch if your Dad can go with us to St. Louis. That would definitely be a day of celebration regardless of which team wins. Tell him the girls and I love him and keep praying for him every day. I'll call you tomorrow to see if Fri evening/ Sat morning would be a good time for me to come up and visit. If not, I'll find another time.
    Love, Rich

  2. oh geez....i might even wear Cardinal red for half an inning.....anything for my Uncle Dick to get better!

  3. Amy - Be sure and tell your dad tomorrow that we said "Cheers"... enjoy that Squirt he has earned it. All our love. Uncle Jer & Aunt Judi

  4. Another good update. I'm so pleased to hear Dick's daily progress. I can't begin to tell everyone how much the prayers mean to each and everyone of us. Dick is a fighter but he needs as much support as he can get. Thank you to everyone. I was able to talk to Dick for a short time yesterday and he sounded wonderful. I just wish I could be there to help even a little bit. Love, Jo

  5. What good news!! I cant believe he is doing so well. I cant wait for my next visit with him. Please tell Uncle that we love him and that Jeff and I will be there soon to see him.
    lots of hugs and kisses to him.

  6. So happy to hear the continued progress for Dick. Tell him he's retired - what else does he have to do but get better! We will continue to ask for prayers for him at church. I am so glad to know that Dick is a Cardinal fan. Why didn't I know that in fifth grade when I had all my baseball cards?! Take care, Dick. Love to you from the {still} cold North (MN) Rod and Elaine Collins

  7. Love reading this blog today. I can't wait to hear that they have removed the trach; that will make him feel better, I would think. Tell him I'm back here cheering for him every step of this journey he's on. He's doing so good; I'm really proud of him. Love to the whole family.

  8. No half game or inning here--our whole clan will be in Cardinal attire hopefully sitting next to Dick the entire game!!! Carson said for Papa to use those under arm things (crutches) and come home to see him!!! I will hopefully be able to come up for a bit this weekend. Keep up the good work!! Brooklynn is learning new words everyday for you--she can't wait to "talk" to you in person!!! Much love!!

  9. To all you cub fans vowing to wear red for an out or inning for Uncle Dick/Dad, give it up already. Don't use his injury as a means to satisfy your deep seeded desires to be Cardinal fans! HA-HA Thanks again to everyone for all their love, prayers and support. Tell dad I can't wait to see him this weekend. Love to all, Mike

  10. Tell my "Sweetie" he should watch Memphis play tonight! Sherry
