Thursday, March 5, 2009

Special Note About Comments

If anyone has been having difficulty posting their comment please try again if you would like. I have changed my settings and it should be much easier. Thanks for your patience while we learn a few new things about blogging.


  1. God Bless you all. Dick has been in our prayers (as well as the whole family) since the accident. Let Dick know his friends are with him in spirit and with God. I know Dick and the fighter he is will get him through this along with the support of family and friends. Is there anything anyone needs? Let me know.
    Love to you all. Wayne

  2. Thanks so much for the daily updates and especially for the news of Dick's improvement - please keep that kind of news flowing! Know that our prayers and best wishes are with ALL of you. To reiterate Wayne's offer, please let me know if there is anything we can take care of for any of you here at the Illinois end of things. We retirees have time to be helpful if you'll just let us know! All the best,

    Craig Barley
