Monday, March 23, 2009

Day Twenty-Seven - Ummm Food

Another milestone - today Dick had the first taste of real food, albeit it was baby food it was still real food. He did great. He got two teaspoons of blue water and two teaspoons of blue apple sauce. (They add the blue food coloring so they can suction his windpipe afterward to be sure the food is going down the right place - No blue in the windpipe, he passed the test) I asked him if it tasted good and if he was full he said "ya, I'm stuffed." Tomorrow they will do it again but take x-rays while he swallows. (note to the kids: Paw Paw/Uncle Dick has a blue tongue!)

The other thing they did today was an EEG. They had attached 22 probes to his head with some terribly sticky gel. The test took 30 minutes and he did a great job, even with coughing once or twice. When they were finished they removed the probes but left the gel so I scrubbed his head for him, it was itching and he wouldn't get it washed until morning. I wish I could share the comment he made.

When we arrived this morning he already had a visitor with him, his friend Wally Swanson. They had been having a nice conversation. Dick just talks up a storm now with his new voice device. He is ready to take visitors but it would be good to check with Amy or Mike and see who is going up so he does not have too many visitors on one day. Dick said he may be asleep or he may be awake, visitors just have to take their chances. But anymore he is mostly awake. He has made so much progress from a week ago it is just unbelievable.

He definitely had that spunk today--when Jer and I got back from supper he was watching a basketball game. He told Jer he didn't have to watch the game, he didn't care what he watched. Jer told him "That's ok buddy we can watch this, I don't care what we watch either". So I told them, if neither of you care what you watch then I'll change it to the Food Network. Dick pointed at me and said, "I told Jer he could watch what he wanted". Both of them knew that I just said that to get a rise out of Dick and it worked. The bad thing was we had a few laughs today with our banter back and forth and we kept setting his monitor's off. They kept coming in and telling him he was having way too much fun. We will try to keep out of trouble tomorrow. We hate to be banned on our first visit! But Dick is such an instigator....


  1. Sounds like another great day---Dick is definitely finding his teasing/kidding side! It is so good to see that come back! Sounds like blue food is the way to go---sure will be glad when he can tolerate all different colors of food! (Ha) Amy & I will be up tomorrow---tell him to treat us good! We'll try to give him something to laugh about---it seems to be his best medicine! Hugs for my big brother!
    Love, Cheryl

  2. Glad to see that Dick is getting his strength and his sense of humor back. If he keeps this up, he'll be home in no time. That will be a big relief for everyone. Keep up the good work Dick. And to all the family, thanks for all the great info in the blog.

  3. Hi guys! I am glad dad is still giving Aunt Judi a hard time. If he didn't I would be worried! Keep him laughing. You know what they say, "Laughter is the best medicine". Tell him Aunt Cheryl and I are on our way in the morning and we can't wait to see him! Love you all, Amy

  4. Well Dick,

    I guess last night's menu is out of the question

    Pot Roast, carrots, potatoes, corn, gravy, home made bread, and top off with a little peach cobbler.

    Hungry Yet !!!!! A W E S O M E !!!!!

    Go Dick Go !!!!!!

    Janet :) :)

  5. Way to go Dick! Please let him know that "his girls" in Elko are so happy that he is getting well! Sherry, Shelley & Sami
