Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hi guys! So today was a much better day than yesterday. Aunt Cheryl and I arrived a little early this morning, which Dad was thrilled with. First thing he said was, "Today I get my Squirt!" He has been waiting for this day for an entire week. He has been so thirsty that he has not stopped talking about getting his soda! He watched the clock for two and a half hours until Kristin arrived with his lunch. She sat him up on the side of the bed and pulled up the table with his lunch and his Squirt. I opened his plate of food and his face was priceless! He looked at the food and said what the H--- is that? I said "that is your lunch", and he said "I am not eating that I just want my drink." He did eat the food and to his surprise it wasn't that bad. He started drinking so fast Kristin came out of her chair and said" SLOW DOWN!" She told him he was drinking way too fast. He gasped for air and said" that was the best squirt ever!" He did pretty well and soon after he ate Occupational Therapy came in and did his exercises.

Before he ate Physical Therapy came in and they actually got him up and walking down the hall. He had a walker and a wheelchair right behind him to sit when he was tired. He did so well. A bunch of the nurses and Pct's that Dad has had in the past week were standing in the hallway cheering him on. When he finally sat down to take a breath he said "I feel like an exhibit!" They all started laughing and said "we are so proud of you!" He didn't mind the attention, I think it made him try even harder! He did great and he will get up and walk a little more tomorrow. They even said they were going to upgrade him to two times a day for Physical Therapy.

Aunt Cheryl and I had a good couple of days with dad. There were times we were emotional, anxious, and so tired we couldn't stop laughing. He loved having his little sister there for all of her loving support. I loved having her there as well! For those of you who know Aunt Cheryl you know what an amazing person she is. I couldn't have gotten through any of this without her and her amazing amount of love! So, thank you Aunt Cheryl for everything!

Tomorrow I will be traveling with Aunt Judi to the windy city. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I have to leave all of you with the funniest quote of my dad for the day. Today was full of activity for dad, so he was moved a lot and turned and really all over the place. He is starting to be very concerned about his gown being open and who see's what. After the fifteenth time of them moving him all around today and changing his sheets he called me over very seriously. He said "Sis come here." I went over of course very concerned. I leaned down and said "what do you need?" He said " why don't you go out in the hallway and ask the nurses which one hasn't seen my a@! today!!!!!!!!!" I started laughing so hard it made him break out into laughter. He said "seriously this is humiliating." I told him not to worry they had seen it all before. I had to share this with you. It was so nice to see him laughing again! It was truly music to my ears!

Have a great night and hopefully I can talk Aunt Judi into doing the blog tomorrow. I seem to get really long winded! Love you all, Amy


  1. I hope it's not a "full moon" in the hospital tomorrow night when I come to visit!

  2. Rich- Just be prepared to work your but off! He likes keeping who is ever there busy!

  3. This is such GREAT news! I also loved Dick's comment. I'm laughing and crying before I head off to work. Thanks Amy. It's a wonderful way to start my day! Always praying! Love, Aunt Jo

  4. T H A N K S Dick,

    I needed a laugh, just beware of the one holding the ink pen like a needle and asks you where do want that tattoo on left side or right. ha ha ha

    Smilin J
