Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day Ten - Another Milestone Day

You can almost see Dick's room here at Tampa General Hospital.
Today we are happy to report that Dick has had his intercranial pressure monitor removed from his head. He looks so much better. The skinned nose is healing, the abrasion on his head is almost gone. He is actually growing a little hair back on the top of his head. (if you know Dick he will be thrilled it is growing back) He has also been taken off the ventilator this evening which means he is breathing on his own. Now that he has the pressure monitor removed his next hurdle is to come completely off of the ventilator. They will start taking him off of the vent little by little each day for longer periods at a time. Hope is that early next week he could be moved from ICU to a step down unit. He will still be monitored closely. We have been a little spoiled with the special individualized care here in ICU that it will feel like we are being neglected in the next unit. They have already warned us that it will be an adjustment for us. Everyone here has been so caring and they answer every question without hesitation. They know how concered we are and that this process is new for us and something we never want to go through again. It is good to know that Dick has not lost his sense of humor through all of this though. Tonight Amy had been prodding him to respond to her, she asked him if she was bothering him and he said yes, then he actually tried to laugh. We love to see that side of him coming through now and then. But it is also really tough when we see him mouth the words "I want to go home." If he only knew how much we wanted that too.


  1. Hasty Family,

    Could you please post on Richard's blog an address where we can send cards.

    I have whole list of laughs that he is going to get razzed by the blonde harley rider that he will think twice on that dumb blonde joke... :) :)
    (in good taste) LAUGHTER HEELS FASTER


  2. WOW, what good news today. It's amazing how fast he's healing. All the prayers are really working. Thank God! Again thanks for the updates each day.
    Love, Jani & Aunt Dot

  3. Each day gets better. Prayers and miracles are working. Have another great day! Love, Aunt Jo

  4. We are thrilled with the good news! This blog is so neat. Our prayers are being answered and then some. Dick is a fighter and God is good. Love, Kaye

  5. The daily reports continue to be uplifting. With the weather warming here in central Illinois, I can hear the crappie chattering for Dick to wet a line! Thank you and God bless all of you.

  6. What great news! It sounds as if things are going really well. Sometimes there are some backward steps after some leaps but that doesn't seem to be the case and we are thrilled! Thanks again for the daily updates. They mean a lot to all of us followers. Sending our love and prayers. Laurie & Wally

  7. Wow...every day just keeps getting better. Uncle Dick is a strong man so I know he is fighting so hard to get back!! I am sure it seems so long to those of you who are there day in and day out, but in the big picture he seems to be recovering so quickly!! God is definitely at work!! Hope everything is going well with the new apartment! Love, Sherry R.

  8. I just can't believe the progress Uncle Dick has made! I loved hearing that he was already being onry to Amy. That shows me that he is working hard to get better. I look forward to our usual teasing of each other when he can talk. Please tell him I love him and give him a little smooch for me.
    Mom and Amy, You are doing a great job on the blog. Keep the good news coming!
    Love to all, Sara
