Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day Sixteen - Holding Steady

Cheryl's report for Dick today is that he has had a good day. He did not have a temperature today and he is responding to her by squeezing her hand. He has been taken off of the vent a couple of hours and then put back on to give him a rest since he has to work so hard those couple of hours. They say he is doing good and he is making good progress. Cheryl will be coming home tomorrow and Jer and I will be heading back on Friday. Mike will be returning to his dad's bedside on Saturday. Changing of the guard so to speak. I will continue the blog from the hospital again next week. I want to thank Jen for keeping up the blog while she was there, I know it is both difficult to write and theraputic at the same time. Keep those prayers coming.


  1. Dick, We are continuing to pray for you continuously. We are so glad to hear such good reports. Keep getting stronger. We love you! Jo & Tom

  2. Thanks to all of you for keeping up on this blog. What a fantastic way to keep everyone posted--and the details are great. This is the way that I start up each morning at work, and I send up a prayer for Uncle Dick immediately following.
    I will be praying for safe travel for all of you back and forth too!! Sherry R.

  3. Dick: This is Pat(Finney)Beyer, I am so glad you are doing better. Have put you on the prayer list at church and also have you in my thoughts and prayers all the time. I know your whole family is rotating time with you and have to do alot of traveling. I know that the good Lord will keep them safe and they travel back and forth between Illinois and Florida. I pray that God will keep his healing hand on you and that your recovery will be complete. Much Love in Christ Pat
