Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day Thirty Six - Short and Sweet

Today was a short day for us. We were only able to stay with Dick from 9:20a until 2:15p but the time was good. He had breakfast before we got there and he claims he ate good. (Maybe he could still hear Susie's voice in his head) Then he took a morning stroll through the hall with the physical therapist. He walked all the way down the hall and only sat down one time, he did have one complaint though, this therapist changed the height of his walker. Although, they are trying to get him to stand taller when he walks, he likes comfort as opposed to posture. He is doing well though.

Wayne Tessier and his wife stopped by today. Dick was very happy to see them. Wayne had been to see Dick in Tampa so this was quite a change from the Dick he had seen then. Dick wasn't aware that Wayne had even been at his bedside before. They had a few laughs and talked of common friends. His sense of humor always seems to surface.

That scruffy beard that just yesterday he said he was going to keep is now gone. Today he just couldn't take it any longer and had Jer shave the whole thing off. The only thing he guarded carefully was his mustache. That will never leave if he has anything to say about it.

As we left this afternoon, he was again walking the halls getting in his exercise with the newly adjusted walker. He was looking forward to getting his hair washed later today (now that would have been a picture). But he was really looking forward to speaking to his doctor this afternoon to find out just when he would be transferred to Peoria. He knows it will either be the end of this week or the beginning of next but he is trying to pinpoint them to a day. The unknown is very disconcerting for him. For his sake we hope that it is sooner than later. I know it will be very recuperative for him to see his grandchildren and for more friends to be able to visit. Keep your fingers crossed for a Friday transfer!


  1. Hi Dick,
    I saw your sister Cheryl while working out this morning at the Peoria Riverplex. It happened like this, I was doing some laps around the track when I came along side this lady and I said to her, "Don't you know there's a speed limit on this track"? As I was in a joking mood, and as I passed by her and made eye contact, she said something like "Hi Kenny, do you know who I am"? I immediatley recognized it was Cheryl and we ended up walking and talking for a couple laps togeather. She gave me a brief update on your condition and then informed me of the blog that had been set up. I want to apologise for not writing sooner, but want you to know that to my knowledge, I have not missed a day that I haven't prayed for your recovery. I'm thankful and encouraged by the progress you've made and ask that you keep up the good work!
    Maybe in the not so distant future, you too can walk around that track with Cheryl and I!
    I hope to see you in Peoria soon!
    Your friend and buddy for life,

  2. I think I find a new reason to cry everyday when I read this blog. Either something Uncle Dick has done, something one of his "caregivers" has written, or some comment a friend or family member makes. The comments by Kenny brought tears to my eyes -- I cannot believe all the prayers that have been asked and answered for my Uncle Dick. Thank you all so much, from him, from his kids, from his brothers and sisters, from his neices and nephews (and great-neices and great-nephews), and from his grandchildren. We are so blessed by your prayers and so blessed with such a wonderful guy in our family.

  3. Hi Dick, sorry it's been awhile since I've been online. Been working a lot of hrs. 13-15 a day. By the time I get home it's all I can do to get ready for bed & set the alarm for the next am. I only worked 8 hrs. today, what a brk. Anyway, 1st thing I did was go to your blog & catch up. Read all of this to Mom (Aunt Dot). We are so excited & happy to hear about the great progress you've made. Your absolutely amazing! Keep up the the good work & that your good sense of humor.
    By the way, love the pictures. Thanks to all you bloggers for keeping us up to date.
    Love, Jani & Aunt Dot
