Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 48 - Two days to go

Today Dick had two sessions of therapy - one physical therapy and one occupational therapy. He had a different physical therapist this morning and he said this therapist really gave him a work out. The last couple of days he walked up a flight of stairs and back down. Today he said he felt like he ran them. He only has two full days left to be in the hospital and he is so anxious to get home. He is ready to take walks outside and sit in the sunshine. We tried to take him outside on the 2nd floor patio today but it was just a little too chilly but the fresh air felt good.

He had company this morning, Amy's kids were there and helped him eat his lunch. Although, they are still counting his intake they seem to be a little more understanding about what the kids eat now. But Jer and I brought him some homemade potato salad and a piece of cake to supplement his food tray so they also took that into consideration. In fact when his nurse came to take his tray she even ask Dick, "Just what of this did you eat"? We told Amy if the kids don't eat at home just put it on a hospital tray!

They may be removing his GI tube on Monday that was inserted when he was started on tube feedings in Florida. Although he is no longer tube fed, they leave that tube in just in case they need to administer feedings or medication rapidly. That will be the last of the invasive sites that needs to be tended to before he leaves.

Amy told me today how difficult it is to write the blog now that Dick is getting so much better. I know what she means. The news anymore is so good. Usually it's just that he has had a good day, he's had therapy and is looking forward to going home. So for the next few days if the blog is a bit sparse this is the reason why. I am sure that once Dick gets home the news will get more exciting and we will continue to blog as long as Dick continues to improve. So stay tuned!


  1. Hi Aunt Judi! Thanks again for writing the blog!!!!! I am supposed to tell Dad from Avery " Hurry up and come home. I need you to practice baseball with me in your front yard!" I can't wait for Wednesday! The kids are sad they won't be eating anymore hospital food with dad!!!! They do look forward to spending several nights with him though. We all love you Dad so much and can't wait until you get home. Love, Amy

  2. Thanks to the bloggers over the past six weeks. It has allowed us all to participate in the healing of this wonderful man. I'm sure it is difficult to blog when it is nothing but more progress each and every day so from now, I will assume no news is good news! Thanks again!
