Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 46- 4 Days and Counting!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone! It looks like we skipped a day. It is getting really hard to blog everyday since he just keeps getting stronger and better, day by day! Yesterday he seemed to have another great day. Dad had all of his therapy and continues to go one step further each day than the day before. J, the kids and I were up last night to visit. Mike and Uncle Rick were there when we arrived. It was so nice to all be sitting around laughing and having a normal conversation. I can't wait to be sitting around Dad's table at home having our normal day to day conversations! 4 days to go!!!!!!! Have a good day!


  1. Skip and I stopped by Thursday after his pt for about an hour and we had a really good visit. We never lacked for conversation and his personality kept shining thru. I am so happy for his progress and have no doubt he will be out and about before we know it. Talk about determination. Thanks again for all the blog updates. Dee Berchtold

  2. Dick, you continue to amaze! Positive thinking is such a big thing, and that's what I believe you have. I really signed in to wish
    the entire Hasty family a Happy Easter. My love to you all.
