Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Recent Accomplishments

Well, there hasn't been much to report but I will try to give you a bit of an update if you are still checking in on Dick recent accomplishments.

He has been taking at least two walks a day around the block, weather permitting, and has been really doing good. He get a little winded and is ready to sit down by time we get back but he feels good and it takes him less time to recoup now than when he first started. He has been making some trips to the grocery store and outings to the bank and errands around town. He goes out for meals a couple a times a week and is eating well. He still is not allowed to drive. He is anxious to get the g-tube out of his stomach but it has to stay another 4 weeks. Not that it is needed for anything any longer but because of the type of the tube it is it must remain for a minimum of 12 weeks total. This causes him the greatest discomfort now and it tends to get quite sore.

He is enjoying many visitor's now. He even had some friends visit him from Elko, Nevada where he last worked, they are here taking a class at Morton Cat.

He had been getting irritated that he just couldn't do as much as he thought he should and we kept telling him he had to give it time, that he had been through a lot. He finally understood when his home health nurse told him for every day that he laid in the hospital it takes three days to recuperate. Now he understands that he has a long road to get back to his old self but that his is definitely on that road.

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