Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 45 - Do you want fries with that?

Today Dick was given the ok to eat anything he wanted so tonight Jer and I brought him a Steak n' Shake double steak burger w/ fries and a vanilla malt for his supper. I even took him some homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. He ate all but a few fries and loved every bit of it. That was the end of the day. Now let me get back to the beginning.

Dick had his Physical Therapy this morning and he had his cheering section in tow. His friend Smitty from Morton was there with me to cheer him on at his 10a session and then at his 1:30 session Cheryl and Amy were there along with his granddaughter Avery and his great niece Elly who accompanied him with his work out. I'm not sure who kept up with whom. They all did a great job! Each day he gets stronger and each session he exceeds what he did in his last. Elly was watching her Uncle Dick walking and she told her Grammy Cheryl, "He walks good for an old man." It took us a while to compose ourselves after that one. I guess at 5 1/2 we all look pretty old to her.

One thing for sure, it is so nice that we are able to be there to encourage him and watch his progress. I see so many other patients go through therapy alone and it seems so sad. So I too would like to add my thanks to everyone who has accompanied Dick to his therapy sessions, who have visited, who have read this blog and/or left a comment, sent cards, said prayers, made calls to pass reports, etc., etc., etc. You too are the reason he is doing so well and will be returning home so soon. You can not know how excited he is for Wednesday to get here and neither can we. For him it has seemed so long, but it has actually gone relatively fast considering all he has gone through and how far he has come. He has proven to be an exceptional patient!

1 comment:

  1. That's great news!!! Welcome Home Dick
    You've got some making up to do, so get busy.
