Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ongoing Recovery - day two

The second day that Dick was in Tampa General Hospital they placed an ICP (intercrainial pressure) drainage tube in his head. This tube allows them to remove the pressure on his brain and to drain any fluid build up. They do not want the pressure to be over 20. Good news. So far the pressure has never been over 12. He has been on a ventilator to help his lungs heal. This way they can regulate the oxygen but he is definitely breathing on his own. He has not responded to voice yet. They also had told us that he has some fractured ribs that we did not know about before. So far none of his bones fractures are displaced so he hasn't had to have anything set. Even the bones of his face they say should be able to heal as they are. Luckily, this is a complication he doesn't need at this time. The nurses at TGH are terrific they have let us come into his room more than two at a time this first couple of days. But tomorrow we will only be allowed in two at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hastys! We want you to know that we are praying and loving you guys from Illinois! Thanks for doing this blog as it is easy to check on Dick. Please tell him we love him and want him to hurry and get well. Amy, bless you honey for being there for your dad. I love you! Kaye and Andy
